2025 Annual 1st Fruits Gathering of Champions Fasting and Prayer

EFGA MF Worldwide
Theme: Gaining Higher Grounds

Sunday January 5th to Saturday January 25th

Dove Release and First Fruits Celebration Service and Luncheon

Tabernacle of Emmanuel Full Gospel Assemblies, NY
Theme: Gaining Higher Grounds

Saturday January 25th at 9AM


Miracle & Deliverance Crusade

Tabernacle of Emmanuel Full Gospel Assemblies NY Campus
87-34 85th Street, Woodhaven, New York 11421
Every Friday 7:00 PM

Sunday Morning Sunrise Service & Sunday Morning Fellowship Service

Tabernacle of Emmanuel Full Gospel Assemblies NY Campus
87-34 85th Street, Woodhaven, New York 11421
Every Sunday 8:00AM & 10:30AM

Online Campus

Live on Facebook, Utube and Web platform

Robin Healing Ministries Online gives you the ability to connect no matter where you are! Online RHM is a community that experiences spiritual growth together, globally. We engage with each other during the worship and the message from our Senior Pastor, Bishop Robin Dinnanauth. Each and every Friday and Sunday, our online community, volunteer hosts, and members log in and share the church experience together. We stay connected through the live chat, prayer, membership, weekly encouragement, life groups, and volunteering. If you ever miss a Friday or Sunday service, the most recent service video will always be available to watch on RHM Website Online Streaming.


Disclaimer: Due to current CDC restrictions – all events will be enforcing Strick CDC regulations and guidelines. Seats at these events are limited to first come first serve basis. Should there be unforeseen circumstances any or all of these are subject to change without any notices. Please be advised that we encourage you to please call our office at 718-725-1400 or visit our website frequently for any changes or updates on our scheduled events before making any travel arrangements to attend.