Here are our core values that shape our approach to ministry:
Biblical Teaching
We value GOD'S WORD. The Bible is the most important authority in all areas of faith and practice in our ministry. Through our understanding and application of the scriptures, we can know God and His truth, experience changed lives, and grow in spiritual maturity.
Inspiring Worship
We value MEANINGFUL WORSHIP. Inspiring worship that glorifies God and engages the heart, mind, and emotions of people with God is a hallmark of our public worship. The Tabernacle is committed to meeting the worship needs of people regardless of one’s age or cultural background.
Passionate Spirituality
We value DYNAMIC AND VITAL SPIRITUAL LIFE. We want to help people love God and sense His love. Through prayer, the study of God's Word, dependency on God's Spirit and interaction with other believers, we will enjoy the presence and power of God in our personal lives and our church.
Building Loving Relationships
We value PEOPLE. Just as God expresses relational love to people, we strive to help people grow in their ability to love and connect with one another. The Tabernacle is a place where everyone who visits us will sense acceptance, hope, comfort and healing in their lives. You are always welcome at the Tabernacle.
Mission- and Values- Driven Ministry
We value STAYING FOCUSED ON A SPECIFIC MISSION AND VISION God has given us to reach people with the good news of salvation. At the Tabernacle, we will measure all areas of our church’s effectiveness, leadership, ministries, and organizational structure based on our mission and values. We are willing to change and take risks to fulfill our God-given mission.
Leadership Development
We value LEADERSHIP. At the Tabernacle, we desire that trained, godly individuals who are spiritually mature lead our congregation and ministries. Therefore, just as Jesus invested himself in the lives of disciples to prepare them for kingdom service, we commit ourselves to developing people who are willing to lead others in spiritual service.
Empowered Leadership
We value TEAM INVOLVEMENT. Once leaders are identified and prepared for service, we believe that leaders need to be given the responsibility and authority to accomplish their God-appointed roles at the Tabernacle. There are no single super-stars at the Tabernacle who will do everything... just lots of ordinary people who are willing to do whatever God calls us to accomplish for His kingdom.
Clear Functional Structures
We value EFFECTIVE PLANNING and PRODUCTIVENESS for the work of God's kingdom. At the Tabernacle, we will continually work to ensure that there is distinct clarity in leadership roles and authority. We will provide clear accountability structures. When programs or ministries are established, they will be accomplished in a way that best encourages ministry success.
Spontaneity and creativity will always be encouraged in our ministries, but we will always follow the creative example of God who made all things with wisdom and a functional order that contributes to the life and health of the body.
Financial Stewardship
We value FAITHFUL SUPPORT of God's work through financial stewardship. Faithful stewardship of all of our resources including time, possession and money is a key mark of genuine faith. The Tabernacle strives to develop people who prioritize their lives in a way that reflects submission and support with our financial resources. We will regularly challenge people to make a sacrificial investment in eternity through regular and special financial gifts.
Intentional Disciple-making
We value PERSONAL SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Becoming a disciple, a following learner of Jesus Christ is at the heart of Christ's desire for all believers. From the moment of spiritual birth to spiritual maturity, we will help people in their desire to be wholly devoted followers of Christ. Just as the early disciples responded to the Great Commission of Jesus, we will spend our lives helping people grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ.
Gift-Oriented Ministry
We value DIVERSITY IN SERVICE. We believe that every believer is endowed with certain unique spiritual abilities spiritual gifts that were given to us by the Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to helping people find and use their God given abilities to serve him within the context of the Tabernacle.
Holistic Small Group Connections
We value PERSONAL INTERACTION THAT ENCOURAGES SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Being involved in a small group allows believers to experience and share in the greatest level of spiritual intimacy, encouragement and accountability for their spiritual development. Our small group studies will offer more than just a Bible lesson, they will offer opportunities to find spiritual help and encouragement from other believers who also struggle with real-life concerns.
Reproducing Our Faith
We value OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE OUR FAITH AND SEE CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN EVERY PART OF THE WORLD. We have both a local and global perspective in helping people find their way back to God. Locally, we are driven to reach our neighbors with the gospel of Christ.
We also have a commitment to seeing churches planted in every part of our community so that the salt and light influence of the church will saturate our entire sphere of personal contact. We will constantly ask the Holy Spirit to reveal people’s needs so that we might fill them and thereby give us the opportunity to share the love of Christ with others in both spiritual and tangible ways.
Globally, we believe that God wants the gospel of Jesus taught in every part of the world and will gladly invest our lives and our financial resources into spreading the gospel of Christ so that others will come to know and follow him. At the Tabernacle, our budgets, our programs, and our leadership will reflect a high commitment to outreach, evangelism and church growth.
God-honoring Service
We value excellence in our service for God. Our greatest desire is that our God is honored through every part of our service for Him our motivation, preparation and participation. In serving Christ, love will always be our motivation and excellence will always be our goal. We hope that every part of our service will reflect the honor and glory due to God who, without reservation, gave His very best for us.