Course offered through our School of Healing – Operating in the gift of Healing
Please click HERE for RDM Student Handbook
BS101 – The Battle for the Body
There is a great war being waged in the world today. It is not a conflict between nations, tribes, or government leaders. It is not a rebellion or a coup. It is an invisible battle taking place in the spirit world. This course introduces the invisible war in which every believer is engaged.
BS102 – The Attack
In Old Testament times a trumpet was used to summons God’s people to battle. Today, a spiritual summons is sounding throughout the nations of the world. It is a summons to the invisible war. It is the call to arms. This course issues a call for you to move from a life of defeat and bondage to a life of victory and freedom in Jesus Christ.
BS103 – The Counterattack
Before you begin your study of healing and deliverance it is helpful to understand some of the current attitudes you will face as you begin to minister in this area. In regards to healing and deliverance, many believers have…
BS104 – Conquering Challenges
In this course you will arm yourself with the Word of God to confront and conquer these challenges.
BS105 – Strategies for Healing
Remember the paradox of God’s Kingdom you learned in the beginning of this course: As you begin to minister healing, healing will be ministered unto you
BS106 – Strategies for Deliverance
In this course you will learn strategies for ministering and receiving deliverance.
BS107 – Kingdom Living
In this final course, you will learn how to live in the Kingdom of God as a well warrior.
BS109 – Ministry of the Holy Spirit
This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Students are guided in discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of ministry in the Body of Christ.
BS110 – Prayers That Heal the Heart
This course teaches a series of seven specific prayers that will break bondages within your heart caused by spiritual forces. These prayers include breaking generational sins and curses; severing ungodly soul ties; removing negative beliefs and inner vows; healing traumatic scenes; and casting out demonic energy that has connected itself to these inner wounds of the heart and soul. The entire healing process is sealed by doing an intensive meditation on biblical passages that bear on the issues being healed so God can grant you illuminated insights from His Word.
BS111 – Healing Anointing
The ministry of Jesus was and is a ministry of salvation for the whole man! When we speak of salvation, we speak not only of forgiveness of sins but also healing, deliverance, cleansing and everything else that pertains to life and godliness. Jesus has come to set the captives free! And because He has poured out His Spirit upon us, we may be ministers of salvation – healing for the spirit, soul and body – through the anointing that rests upon us. This practical course will give you keys to flowing in that anointing of God, lessons which have been learned by those who have gone before you and are now showing you the way.
BS112 – God’s Provision for Healing
Learn how to receive and minister God’s healing power. This course lays a solid Word foundation that will release faith for effectively receiving or ministering healing. Presents the ministry of Jesus and the apostles as a pattern for healing today.
BS113 – Authority of the Believer No of Credits
This course will teach you how to quit losing and start winning. The Creator revealed His eternal purpose for mankind when He said, “Let them have dominion!” You will walk in a new boldness as you live in victory over Satan and demon powers in your daily life and ministry.
BS114 – Worthy to Receive Healing
In this course you will learn that One of the things religion has done is put so much emphasis on our performance that most of us, quite frankly, doubt our right standing with God. What religion has in fact done, is cast doubt and unbelief on the work that Jesus did for us on the Cross. God’s Word tells us that in Christ, we are not under any condemnation, but that our sins are totally forgiven! The scriptural fact is that we are created in Christ’s righteousness and true holiness!
BS115 – God’s Will When Prayer Fails
There are so many times, things under the surface that are going on which are never addressed. The Bible tells us that God’s people (not the world, but the Children of God) are destroyed (Satan is stealing, killing, and destroying them – see John 10:10) by lack of knowledge (see Hosea 4:6). Somehow, the church today thinks that if we just launch a few prayers to heaven, that the will of God will be done… completely ignoring the whole idea of how a lack of knowledge can destroy the children of the kingdom!
BS116 – How God Sees Us
This is another big key to positioning ourselves to trust God with the issues of our life. It is very important to know how God sees us, what He thinks about us, and what His desires for us are. How can you trust somebody who you aren’t really sure is looking out for your best interest? How can you freely put your life in the hands of somebody who you perceive may use you and not be trustworthy? That is one of the fundamental reasons why Christians today have a hard time trusting God.
BS117 – Pillars of Inner Healing
In this course you will learn in order to be healed, you must have a relationship with the healer. I’m not talking about being born again, but actively having a relationship with Him. Many Christians have what we call a religion with God, not a relationship. Religion seeks to earn its favor with God, whereas relationship accepts what God’s Word says about their being made the righteousness of God through their faith in Christ (see Romans 3:22).
BS118 – The Blood is Enough
This is a powerful and liberating teaching that we must understand in order to experience true freedom from guilt and shame of our past. It is absolutely essential for us to realize the forgiving power of the Blood of Jesus! Nothing we can do will ever add to or take away from the work that Christ did on the cross. As the song sings, “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!”
BS119 – Is God Upset with Us
How do you perceive your relationship with God? Did you know that your faith depends on how you perceive your relationship with God? A person may have no trouble believing God’s Word when it tells us that we have authority to lay hands on the sick, and see them recover, but where that person may have a struggle, is when they doubt their worthiness to walk in such manifestation of God’s Spirit. If a person has a problem with feeling worthy, then they need to understand the power of the Blood of Jesus, and what difference it makes to their relationship with God.
BS120 – The Root of Bitterness
Bitterness is known in the Bible as spiritual poison and a means by which many are defiled (Hebrews 12:15). It is the source of countless spiritual and physical problems in millions of lives today. The Bible tells us that MANY are defiled by the means of bitterness. Bitterness can be tricky to recognize because it’s not a symptom or visible on the surface like anger usually is.
BS121 – Keys to Biblical Faith
Faith is trusting in God. Lack of faith is doubting God. The Lord has shown me three things concerning Biblical faith. When you combine these three elements, we can operate in mountain moving faith! In Mark 9, there was a boy that had an unclean spirit, such a strong unclean spirit that even Jesus’ disciples couldn’t cast him out. They were regular deliverance pastors going about casting out demons on regular bases, but for some reason, when they reached this case, they were unable to cast it out:
BS122 – Twelve Vital Keys of Healing
This is your Biblical road-map to receiving your healing just as the early church did! Supernatural healing seems to be one of those subjects that puzzles the church today. Numerous people pray for healing with no results, yet in the early church divine healings were commonplace. Nobody who went to Jesus was turned down. It was clearly God’s will to heal the people back then, so why do we see such miserable success rates today? There are a few reasons, and in this teaching will explore them.