Ministerial Membership

Ministerial Membership

To become an EMGAMF member, you must be the senior pastor of a congregation that is recognized by your local municipality as a church. Elders, Leaders, Deacons, volunteer workers and others minister in a church may also become a member. Applicants must have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior and Baptized in the Holy Spirit. In addition, they are expected to live a consistent Christian life, be an approved and faithful member of a local church or fellowship and have a personal interview with an EFGA-MF Ministerial Proctor.

EFGAMF has two types of membership. One is for Ministers who can only minister in a church and wants to be licensed and/or have spiritual covering. The other is for Chaplains who conduct worship, helps those who are hurting, counsel and motivate people as the police, armed forces, healthcare or prison and others at the point of their need. Chaplains are the voice of reasoning reconciling believers and communities of faith by listening, mediating differences and clarify commitments. They are pastors to many people who have little or no contact with a church and have some form of need.

While one is eligible to upgrade their membership after one year in a level under each type of membership that EFGAMF offers, the person must also meet the other requirements of the next level as stated.

EFGAMF has three levels of membership for those desirous of ministering in a church. They are as follows:

  1. Commissioned Minister: This is for Elders, Leaders, Deacons, volunteer workers and others minister who are not in full time ministry but wants to serve the Lord. There are different types of Lay Minister and they function differently depending on the type of license. The Lay Minister who are Leaders, Elders and Deacons in the church may lead a congregation in prayer, preach the Word of God, and lay hands and pray for the sick. Others will function in the capacity as described by the position they are serving in which ultimately is determined by the local church. For instance, someone who is licensed as a Christian Worker and ushers will not lay hands and pray or lead a congregation in prayer. They will only be allowed to seat the congregation. If the Usher is also a Leader in the church then the person can lay hands and pray as well as function as an Usher. The initial application fee is $70usd and the annual renewal membership fee is $50usd.

    Types of Commissioned Minister:

    Evangelist (E) This credential is granted to a person who has a burning passion to share their faith with non-believers and believers alike, to ground and establish them in their relationship to Jesus Christ. This credential gives this person the recognition needed to hold revivals, church meetings, seminars, and teach Bible-based classes. (Must be at least 18 years of age.)

    Missionary (M) This credential is granted to a person who has a calling from God to the Mission Fields, whether foreign or within their inner cities. (Must be at least 16 years of age.)

    Minister of Music (MM) This credential is granted to a person who has a calling to direct choirs, ensembles, singing groups, or bands. This person could be a psalmist and has a calling from God in music. (Must be at least 14 years of age. Send a resume of your qualifications and life experiences in relation to music and a CD of your musical talent.)

    Praise & Worship Leader (PWL) This credential is granted to a person who has a calling in leading others in praise and worship unto the Lord or is a psalmist in the Body of Christ. (Must be at least 14 years of age. Send a resume of your qualifications of life experiences and a CD of a Praise & Worship service you led.)

    Christian Worker (CW) This credential is granted to a person who has a calling upon their life and wants to be involved in Christian activities as service unto the Lord. This area of service can be in any field of help within the Church or community that brings honor and glory to God

    General Member (GM) For individuals that want to be a member only of the EFGA Ministerial Fellowship.

  2. License Minister: This is for those who are called into the fivefold ministry. They can lead a congregation in prayer, preach the Word of God, officiate at the Lord’s Supper, baptize others and lay hands and pray for the sick. The initial application fee is $100usd and the annual renewal membership fee is $50usd
  3. Ordained Minister: This is for Apostles, Bishops and those fully in charge of a ministry. They can lead a congregation in prayer preach the Word of God, officiate at the Lord’s Supper, baptize others, solemnize marriages and lay hands and pray for the sick. The initial application fee is $150usd and the annual renewal membership fee is $50usd.